District Heating

How can we heat or cool our homes without causing extra CO2 emissions? Denmark suggests a solution through district heating! In this system, the surplus heat generated from a plant is transferred through pipes to districts, where people can heat their homes without causing any extra damage to the environment.

In Denmark, during the early 2010s, around 40% of all greenhouse gases were emitted from electricity and heating sectors, but since then, with the right investments, Danish Energy Agency projects that percentage to go down as far as to just 3% by 2025.

Today, around 76.9% of all Danish household demand of heating and cooling is covered by energy-efficient and green district heating systems, and by 2030, Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH) expects the percentage of the renewable district heating systems to reach up to 100%!

Source: How district heating is paving the way towards Denmark’s climate goals (stateofgreen.com)

The role of District Heating in the Energy System – DBDH